dinsdag 1 april 2008

What is this, and how many again ?

Originally uploaded by twobombs
During a short break today I brought the subject of my birthday present up and unsurprisingly the subject 'Almelo - Urenco' came into focus.
We talked a bit about spent fuelrods, how spent they actually were, and them being transported in the white, sometimes green cilindrycal casks.
So, without further adue, and with the pretty picture to the right in mind I dare you to count the total amount of crates stored there that came out of those transport casks.
Location: Almelooooo Unrencooooo

The winner also gets to see the distance it takes to get to the 'safely' tucked away OPEN AIR STORAGE facitity from the public road+field.
Hint: can you say a stones-trow.

Count-the-crates in radiating Almelo Url: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=52.33585,6.688786&spn=0.004825,0.009291&t=h&z=17
Source: http://www.fi.edu/guide/wester/applications.html

----------------- *** Spoiler *** --------------------

Answer: almost 1600 crates, enough fuel for 10 medium sized nuclear plants in OPEN AIR. Each crate contains a bundle that contains 121-193 fuel rods and weighs a combined 134.5 kg, which amounts to more then 200 Tonnes of highly radioactive fuel stored there.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fuel#PWR_fuel

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