donderdag 27 maart 2008

Gush Kativ

Originally uploaded by twobombs
In remembrance of the people of Gush Kativ and all those that will be the victims of treacherous leaders that deal treacherous. Alas, Islam as portrayed in the movie depicted above is not the cause of the problem, but those responsible for the debacle of Gush Kativ and all those villages and towns ( Sep 2:4 ) that already have and those that will follow have all been betrayed by their own people, their own kin. One does not need to fear the sons of Ismael, those begotten by the Egyptian slave Hagar whose promise and blessing is based upon the law of mount Sinai, the law of the flesh ( Gal 4:23 ) Most danger emanates from those who call themselves Jews but are not ( Revelation 3:9 ) Those that give away land for peace in the two-state Roadmap and sanction, and even so enforce it. ( Dan 11:30 ) More information: Those understanding basic Hebrew will hear these precious Jews are returning to the Lord in the Synangogue ( @3:30 ) and moments later THEIR OWN KIN removing them from their SACRED PREMISES.

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