vrijdag 8 november 2013

Anunnaki and Ancient Hidden Technology (MUST WATCH)


dinsdag 3 september 2013


maandag 2 september 2013

zaterdag 10 augustus 2013

Enoch documentary


woensdag 31 juli 2013

Afer Ventus

Afer Ventus

Mare Nubium. Umbriel.
(Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.)
Mare Imbrium. Ariel.
(Meus mihi. suus cuique carus.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Terrigena.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Vita brevis.)
Mare Undarum. Io. Vela.
(Meus mihi. Suus cuique carus.)
Mirabile dictu. Mirabilia.
(Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.)
Mirabile visu. Mirabilia.
(Meus mihi. suus cuique carus.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Terrigena.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Vita brevis.)
Sempervirent. Rosetum.
(Meus mihi. Suus cuique carus.)
Afer Ventus. Zephyrus.
(Suus cuique mos. Suum cuique.)
Volturnus. Africus.
(Meus mihi. Suus cuique carus.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Terrigena.)
Et itur ad astra.
(Memento. Vita brevis.)
Etesiarum. Eurus.
(Meus mihi. Suus cuique carus.)

African Wind

Sea of the Clouds. Umbriel.¹
(Each to their own. Each to its own.)
Sea of the Rain. Ariel.²
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Earthborn.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Life is short.)
Sea of the Tides. Io. Vela.³
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)
Wonderful to be told. Marvelous things.
(Each to their own. Each to its own.)
Wonderful to see. Marvelous things.
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Earthborn.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Life is short.)
Refreshing. A rose garden.
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)
African Wind. Zephyrus.⁴
(Each to their own. Each to its own.)
Volturnus. Africus.⁵
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Earthborn.)
And we go to the stars.
(Remember. Life is short.)
Etesiarum. Eurus.⁶
(Me, myself. Each to their own is dear.)

dinsdag 26 februari 2013

Battlestar Operatica

Maledetto sia tuo Cylone
C'é una tostapane nello tua testa
E port tachi a spillo

Numero Sei ti chiama
ll rivelatore Cylone impone
La tua ragazza é un tostapane

Maledetto sia tuo Cylone
Ahimé, disgrazia! Ahimé, tristezza e miseria!

ll tostapone ha un bel veslito
Rossa come la sua spina dorsale ardente
Sussura Numero Sei
Per tuo comando


Woe upon your Cylon heart
There’s a toaster in your head
And it wears high heels

Number Six calls to you
The Cylon Detector beckons
Your girlfriend is a toaster

Woe upon your Cylon heart
Alas, disgrace! Alas, sadness and misery!

The toaster has a pretty dress
Red like its glowing spine
Number Six whispers
By your command