Look and see the South African market losing 45% value in 2.5 years: its the Euro/Rand 2.5 Year - with the red line as 50 days average.
Good news: somewhere along the line this situation will stabilise
Bad news: it'll get worse before that level will be found
After level is found and sustained chances are it'll once again collapse to the R14-15 range. Get used to a Rand thats 'cheap'.
The Euro will also get stronger. Hope for the ailing Rand and SA economy is a cheaper dollar; which is also on the charts; flickr.com/photos/twobombs/2315684857/
Update: the 100 & 200 day average are also pointing north.... which means that the Rand will go down to the 14-15R against the euro even sooner and on the longer term even more, Real Soon Now(c). Additional source
This coin is definately broken.
Update 2:
....inflationary pressure from necessary power price rises along with the real risk of a currency collapse will prevent the central bank from cutting rates. Clearly this bear case does not touch upon the upcoming social upheaval from Zuma taking power. Sadly I think there is enough to worry about even without that.
repeat : " real risk of a currenly collapse "
Additional linked document:
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