zaterdag 12 december 2009

Enki Bilal on steroids

Rappelez-vous l'objet que nous vîmes, mon âme,
Ce beau matin d'été si doux:
Au détour d'un sentier une charogne infâme
Sur un lit semé de cailloux,

My love, do you recall the object which we saw,
That fair, sweet, summer morn!
At a turn in the path a foul carcass
On a gravel strewn bed,

Intrusion Zone:

Mais... "Tout cela ne vaut pas le poi­son qui dé­coule
De tes yeux, de tes yeux verts,
Lacs où mon âme tremble et se voit à l'en­vers...
Mes songes viennent en foule
Pour se désal­té­rer à ces gouffres amers."

"Tout cela ne vaut pas le ter­rible pro­dige
De ta sa­live qui mord,
Qui plonge dans l'oubli mon âme sans re­mord,
Et, char­riant le ver­tige,
La roule dé­faillante aux rives de la mort!"

(Bau­de­laire - "Poi­son" des Fleurs du Mal)

Century 10, Quatrain 49
Jardin du monde aupres du cité neufue,
Dans le chemin des montaignes cauees,
Sera saisi et plongé dans la Cuue,
Beuuant par force eaux soulfre enuenimees.

[X.49] Garden of the World near the New City, in the road of the hollow mountains. It will be seized and plunged in the tank, forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur

Probably describes the terrorist attack near New York (New City) at Manhattan island where World Trade Center (hollow mountains) collapsed due to a terrorist attack with hijacked planes. The resulting debris and dust of asbestos and glass polluted the whole of New York city. However, if a WMD attack on New York takes place, this might also refer to that. "Garden of the World near the New City" may refer either to Central Park or to New Jersey which is called the "Garden State". "in the road of the hollow mountains." is further reference of what Nostradamus might have envisioned of Central Park's proximity to Manhattan. "It will be seized and plunged into the tank" refers to an event of "great catastrophe" perhaps terrorists plan to detonate a nuclear bomb in Central Park. The final line, "forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur "is his metaphor meaning that the water supply around the blast zone, "Central Park" is poisoned as a result.


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