dinsdag 1 januari 2008

And who's going to moan when those guys come here ?

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, they say.
'We' as EU are seen in this liveleak movie how a a part of the Dutch army attacks the Afghan people. And when this backfires to Dutch soil those setting up this are going to say: " You see !? We were right all along"

Truth is that EU/NL forces are fighting not rebuilding in Afghanistan and this will backfire. I could and can write a whole bunch about this but in short for now I'll summarise the next geopolitical rant with a famous local dutch saying :

Het stoplicht staat op rood
Het stoplicht staat op groen
In Amelo is altijd wat te doen

I'm planning to tell domething about Pakistan next time, after that some deep prophetic theological pice. Maybe it's because it's the 1th day of the Gregorian Year, but that in itself is total subject on its own.

Geen opmerkingen: